venerdì 9 settembre 2011


My mind drifts to places unknown
And you are always there
My soul travels far without my body
Swimming on the air currents to you
Where I will always desire to be
It matters not how far away you are
I do not care how close to me you may be
I will forever long to have you closer
Close enough to hear your heart beat
Close enough to smell your scent
Close enough to feel your hands on my body
Close enough to hear your groan as you sink against me
Close enough to feel you inside me
This is where I will always imagine you with me
My body pushing back against yours
Arching into your expert hands and mouth
And then spent and laughing against your body
Waiting to join with you again.  

Come quickly to me Lover. 

~ © 2010 Salacious Musings ~ 


         " Mi piacerebbe frustarti con la cintura sulle gambe, sul culo, sulle cosce.   Vorrei farti tremare e piangere e poi, quando fossi tutta piangente e tremante, te lo sbatterei dentro in un gesto di puro Amore "
Charles Bukowski

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